Monday 5 January 2004
Session one: Historical and historiographical issues in gender studies
- Christopher Fletcher, Wadham College, Oxford – The language of Manhood in the reign of Richard II
- Sue Harrington – Peace Weavers and Warriors in Early Anglo-Saxon burial
- Andrea Oliver, University of East Anglia – Masculinity as a spectacle in the 1390s Smithfield tournaments
- Shanon Lewis Simpson – Construction of Male and female identity in Norse society
Session two: Gender and Sacred Space
- Mary Suydam, Kenyon College, Ohio – Envisioning and inhabiting sacred space in Northern Europe
- Paulette Barton, University of Maine – The use of Gender in the monastic quire Nira Pancer, University of Haifa Is Gender relevant in the context of early medieval monasticism?
Session three: Dynamics of gender in Old English texts
- Melanie Heyworth Royal Holloway College, London and University of Sydney – Constructing Gender in the Old English Exeter Book Riddles
- Pirkko Koppinen Royal Holloway College, London – Hildeburg as the signifier of failure: Readers constructing gender in Beowulf
- Beatriz Hernandez, Universidadde la Laguna, Canary Isles – Spain ‘Ic nan gast ne eom ac aemerge and axe and eall flaesc’: Saint Mary of Egypt and the powers of holy flesh
MEETING: Deciding the themes for the 2006 conference (all welcome! Wine will be served)
Tuesday 6 January 2004
Session four: Unstable dynamics of gender in literature and law
- Melanie Meier, University of Leicester – Sexuality and gender discourse in late medieval: investigations of the third sex
- Matthew Howard – ‘I fond theryn a naked man’: Observations of maturity in law and literature
- Gail Ashton, University of Manchester – The perverse dynamics of the green knight
Session five: Speaking, singing shouting: the gendered voice
- Helen Swift, Magdalen College, Oxford – ‘Je suis dame en conclusion!’: Constructing Gender through the voice in the late medieval ‘querelle des femmes’
- Antje Frotscher, Christ Church College Oxford – Flyting females: (Un)Gendered speech in Old Norse verbal duels
- E Leach – Constructing the female singer as a women-bird hybrid: sirens in music theory
Session six: Explorations of the gendered body
- Merrall Llewelyn Price, University of Alabama, Huntsville – Corporeal anti-Semitism in the miracles of the virgin
- J Kazik – Christ’s bleeding robe: images of Christ’s ‘woundes wrynging-wete’ in the English cycle plays and late medieval crucifixion carols
- Marie Hughes-Edwards, University of York – Filth, fornication and female flesh: Normative rhetoric and the Anchorhold in late medieval England
- Shona Harrison, University of York – ‘Blood bitokeneth gold’: Remembering Alisoun’s coporeality in the Wife of Bath’s prologue and tale
- Michael Amey – The beautiful, the ugly and the invisible: Contesting Female bodies in the ‘Didot-Perceval’
- Katie Walker – Constructing Jesus as mother: the problem of biology in the Prickynge of Love