2016 Conference
Gender and Emotion
The University of Hull
January 6-8 2016
Keynote speaker: Professor Katharine Goodland, College of Staten Island
The grief-stricken faces at Edward’s deathbed in the Bayeux Tapestry; the ambiguous ‘ofermod’ in The Battle of Maldon; the body-crumpling anguish of the Virgin witnessing the Man of Sorrows; the mirth of the Green Knight; the apoplectic anger of the mystery plays’ Herod and the visceral visionary experiences of Margery of Kempe all testify to the ways in which the medieval world sought to express, perform, idealise and understand emotion.
Yet while such expressions of emotion are frequently encountered by medievalists working across the disciplines, defining, quantifying and analysing the purposes of emotion and its relationship to gender often proves difficult. Are personal items placed in early Anglo Saxon graves a means for the living to let go of, or perpetuate emotion, and how are these influenced by the body in the grave? Do different literary and historical forms lend themselves to diverse ways of expressing men’s and women’s emotion? How does a character expressing emotion on stage or in artwork use body, gender and articulation to communicate emotion to their viewer? Moreover, is emotion viewed differently depending on the gendered identity of the body expressing it? Is emotion and its reception used to construct, deconstruct, challenge or confirm gender identities?
This conference seeks to explore the manifestations, performances and functions of emotion in the early to late Middle Ages, and to examine the ways in which emotion is gendered and used to construct gender identities.
Online registration is now available via the University of Hull’s Online Store.
Please send any queries to organiser Daisy Black at d.black@hull.ac.uk .
Gender and Emotion Programme
Wednesday 6 January
Venue: Wilberforce Building (Building 59 on campus map)
12:45-1:45pm: Registration: (Wilberforce Building Foyer)
1:45pm: Welcome and Opening Remarks (Wilberforce Lecture Theatre 12)
Elisabeth Salter and Daisy Black (University of Hull)
2-3:30pm: Keynote Lecture: Dr Katharine Goodland (The College of Staten Island, City University of New York): “Ghostly Presences: Mariological Mourning and the Search for Justice in Thomas Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy.
3:30-4pm: Coffee (Wilberforce Foyer)
4-5:30pm: Parallel Sessions
Chair: Liz Herbert McAvoy (University of Swansea)
Panel 1a: Courtly Emotion (Wilberforce Lecture Room 08)
Emma Levitt, (University of Huddersfield), ‘Best loved of the King’: homosocial bonding and male friendships at the courts of Edward IV and Henry VIII.
Fran Murray (University of St Andrews), Masculinity, Rulership and Tears in Carolingian Panegyric.
Amy L Morgan (University of Surrey), ‘reueyd out of hir witt’: Extreme Emotion and Queer Responses in Sir Orfeo.
Panel 1b) Emotion and Community (Wilberforce Lecture Room 09)
Chair: Victoria Blud (University of York)
Kristi DiClemente (Mississippi University for Women), ‘Non Sibi Placet’: The Use of Pleasure in Marriage Disputes.
Anna Boeles Rowland (University of Oxford), Emotional objects? Gift giving in medieval romance and legal narratives.
Christopher Liebtag Miller, (University of Toronto) Ladies in Anger: Emotions and the Negotiation of Status Between Women in Middle High German Epic.
5:30pm: Close
Thursday 7 January
Venue: Derwent Building (18 on campus map)
9:30-11am: Parallel Sessions
Panel 2a) Writing Emotion (Derwent Seminar Room 4)
Chair: Diane Heath, (University of Kent)
Katrina Wilkins (University of Nottingham), Gender, Emotion, and Characterization in Ælfric’s Esther.
Efthymia Priki (University of Cyprus) Gendered Desire? Men and Women Falling in Love in the Tale of Livistros and Rodamne and in the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili.
Ioana Coman (University of St Andrews), Grimestone’s book, Grimestone’s body: Freudian melancholy and creation of identity in the Advocates MS 18.7.21.
Panel 2b) The Craft of Emotion (Derwent Seminar Room 5)
Chair: Sarah McKeon (University of Hull)
Nicholas Townson (University of York), Thought about emotion and ad status sermons in Roman Province in the thirteenth century.
Kim Bergqvist (Stockholm University), Gender, Affect, and Emotional Scripts in Medieval Castilian Literature.
An-Katrien Hanselaer (University of Ghent), Conditioning of the inner life and the emotional behaviour in late medieval semi-religious groups of the Southern Low Countries.
11-11:30am: Coffee (Derwent Seminar Room 3)
11:30-1pm: Parallel Sessions
Panel 3a) The Emotional Imagination (Derwent Seminar Room 4)
Chair: Veronica O’Mara (University of Hull)
Ayoush Lazikani (University of Oxford), Emotional Sentience in the Lives of Edith of Wilton and Christina of Markyate
Sarah McKeon (University of Hull), Gendered consolation: form, reform and reading Chaucer’s Boece
Eleni Ponirakis (University of Nottingham), The Question of Emotion and Gender in Cynewulf’s Juliana.
Panel 3b) The Emotional ‘Other’ (Derwent Seminar Room 5)
Chair: Stewart Mottram (University of Hull)
Marcel Elias (University of Cambridge) Modifying Chivalric Emotions in the Charlemagne Romances.
Matthew Roby (University of Oxford), Carnal Cadavers: Sexual Violence in the Icelandic Family Sagas.
Philip Crispin (University of Hull) Scandal, Malice and the Kingdom of the Bazoche.
1-2pm: Lunch (Derwent Seminar Room 3)
2-3:30pm: Parallel Sessions
Panel 4a) Emotional Bodies (Derwent Seminar Room 4)
Chair: Daisy Black (University of Hull)
Victoria Blud (University of York) Double sorwe: Embodied emotion and gendered bodies in Troilus and Criseyde.
Paul McFadyen (University of Dundee), The Exomale; a Medieval Tin Man.
Laura Kalas Williams (University of Exeter), Mourning and Melancholia in The Book of Margery Kempe.
Panel 4b) Moralising Emotion (Derwent Seminar Room 5)
Chair: Philip Crispin (University of Hull)
Katherine Briant (Fordham University), Prostitution of Textual Reproduction from Manuscript to Print.
Diane Heath, (University of Kent), Bestiaries, Beasts, and Beastliness: Understanding and the Animal in Medieval Gender and Emotion.
Sarah Macmillan (University of Birmingham), ‘Withoute loue it is harde to suffre’: Endurance, the Emotions and The Book of Tribulation.
3:30-4pm: Coffee (Derwent Seminar Room 3)
Move to Wilberforce Lecture Theatre 29
4-5:30pm: Presentation of the 2015 Gender and Medieval Studies Graduate Student Essay Prize
Performance of ‘Bawdy Tales’ with Debs Newbold
7pm: Conference Dinner (Meze Bar & Grill, 31 Cottingham Road, HU5 2PP)
Friday 8 January
Venue: Derwent Building (18 on campus map)
9:30-11am: Parallel Sessions
Panel 5a) Articulating Emotion (Derwent Seminar Room 4)
Chair: Martin Arnold (University of Hull)
Eva-Maria Lauenstein (Birbeck, University of London), Staging grief for the self and the ‘other’: Blancheflour’s Tomb and the Materiality of Death.
Martin M. Laidlaw (University of Dundee), She spak ful faire and fetisly: Madame Eglentyne and Benedictine Silence.
Inna Matyushina (University for the Humanities, Moscow and University of Exeter), Grief and Gender in Old Norse and Anglo-Saxon Poetry.
Panel 5b) Maternal Emotion (Derwent Seminar Room 5)
Chair: David Bagchi (University of Hull)
Linda E. Mitchell (University of Missouri) “Give Me Back My Son!” Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Political Use of Emotion
Lydia Harris (Durham University), The Emotion(less) Womb: Rejected Motherhood and Forgotten Foetuses in Twelfth-Century Pregnancy Narratives.
Cory Hitt (University of St Andrews), Burning Breasts: Mothers as Counsel-Givers in Old French and Anglo-Norman Literature.
11-11:15am Coffee (Derwent Seminar Room 3)
11:15-12:45pm: Panel 6
Grief, Action, Masculinity (Derwent Seminar Room 5)
Chair: Lesley Coote (University of Hull)
Carla Jardim (University of York), Loss and Manhood in a Late Medieval Codex.
Sophie Harwood (University of Leeds), ‘Tuit regretent la damoisele’: The Gendered Death of Female Warriors in theRoman de Troie and the Roman d’Enéas
Carys Crossen (Manchester Metropolitan University), ‘Parce que chaque jour j’ai pensé à toi’: Gender and Emotion in Modern Cinematic Depictions of the Medieval.
12:45-1:45pm: Lunch (Derwent Seminar Room 3)
1:00-2:00pm: GMS Business Meeting (Derwent Seminar Room 4)
2-3:30pm: Workshop: Introduction to Performance Storytelling with Debs Newbold (Derwent Seminar Room 5)
3:30pm: Conference Close
Travelling to GMS 2016
The main sites for the conference will be the Wilberforce Building and the Derwent Building. See here for a campus map.
How to get here
Detailed travel instructions to the campus can be found on the University of Hull website.
Hull is about 200 miles north-east from London and 100 miles from Manchester. It is about an hour’s drive from York or Leeds.
Travel by train will take you to Hull Paragon train station in the centre of the city. There are usually taxis waiting right outside the station and it would take about 10-15 minutes to get to the conference venue if traffic is clear and should cost around £5-6.
For train times and tickets see http://www.thetrainline.com/9
The following buses will take you from Hull Paragon station to the University campus: 15, 105, 115. The 105 is the most direct, and stops on Cottingham Road immediately opposite the campus. The 15 and the 115 stop on Cranbrook Avenue, on the east side of the campus.
If travelling by air, you could arrive at a number of different airports and then travel by train. The nearest airport is Humberside. For further information see http://www.humberside-airport.co.uk/10
If travelling by sea, ferries are available from Rotterdam and Zeebrugge.
Accommodation in Hull
There are various accommodation options in Hull. Here are some examples to suit a range of budgets:
The Holiday Inn Express
Close to the train station
80 Ferensway, Hull HU1 3UF
Tel: 01482 485700
Fax: 01482 485700
Mercure Royal Hotel
Adjacent to the train station
170 Ferensway, Hull HU1 3UF
Tel: (01482) 325087
The Old Grey Mare
Public House immediately opposite the University of Hull campus
193 Cottingham Road, Hull HU5 2EG
Tel: (01482) 448193
Pearson Park Hotel
70-72 Pearson Park, Hull HU5 2TQ
Tel: (01482) 343043
Holiday Inn Hull Marina
Castle Street, Hull, HU1 2BX
Tel: 01482 386342
Fax: 01482 386342
Ibis Hotel
Ferensway, Hull HU1 2NL
Tel: 01482 387500
Fax: 01482 387500