2017 Conference
Gender, Places, Spaces, Thresholds

Canterbury Christ Church University
12th – 15th January 2017

Keynote speakers: Anthony Bale, Leonie Hicks, Sheila Sweetinburgh

Conference Programme

The bearded woman of Limerick, Gerald of Wales, Topographia Hiberniae , London BL Royal 13 B VIII, fol. 19r, c. 1196-1223, a book owned by a fifteenth-century monk of St Augustine’s Abbey, Canterbury.
The bearded woman of Limerick, Gerald of Wales, Topographia Hiberniae , London BL Royal 13 B VIII, fol. 19r, c. 1196-1223, a book owned by a fifteenth-century monk of St Augustine’s Abbey, Canterbury.

Welcome to this year’s Gender and Medieval Studies Group Annual Conference. Our venue is Canterbury Christ Church University, built fifty years ago on the site of St Augustine’s Abbey and close to Canterbury Cathedral. We are very grateful to the GMS Steering Committee, the CCCU Centre for Kent History and Heritage, and the School of Humanities for all their support.

Our theme is ‘Gender, Places, Spaces, and Thresholds’ and our papers explore the relationships between gender and medieval geographical, cultural, social, spatial, and imagined locations as well aspects of gender and liminalities. In viewing the materiality of place and space through the lens of gender we shall investigate both cross- and trans-disciplinary discourses concerning how gender is rendered stable and unstable via networks, individuals, communities, and exchanges in the Middle Ages.

The conference has three keynote lectures, a plenary and twelve panel sessions, a practitioner-led dramatization of the Bayeux Tapestry, and a visit to the Cathedral Archives and Library. There will be opportunities to explore Canterbury’s unique standing archaeology and also to attend Cathedral Evensong (the modern equivalent of the medieval monastic office of Compline).

I wish you an exciting and absorbing time of discourse and debate.

Diane Heath
GMS 2017 Conference Organiser
Assistant Lecturer in Medieval and Early Modern History,
Centre for Kent History and Heritage, School of Humanities,
Canterbury Christ Church University, North Holmes Road, Canterbury

Contact Information

For more information please contact Diane Heath.