Category: SMFS

Call For Papers: Medieval Feminist Forum Subsidia On Microaggressions, Harassment, And Abuse–Medieval And Modern

This special issue, which has come out of discussions among the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship Listserv, Advisory Board, and roundtable session at Kalamazoo, will present articles that investigate and interrogate the ways in which predatory sexuality, misogyny, racism, and other forms of gender harassment experienced and perpetrated in the Middle Ages are also reflected today in the experiences of contemporary medieval scholars. While we aim to focus on scholarly issues rather than personal narrations, these are not limited to traditional forms of academic research; indeed, scholarly investigations of the effects of microaggression in the classroom and curricula, along with some posited solutions, would also be welcomed.

The notions presented in the title are broadly conceived; any genre of medieval studies will be considered, as well as any form of modern-day academic experience and service.

Please send abstracts of no more than 250 words to either Linda Mitchell ( or Jennifer Edwards ( by 31 August 2016. Articles of 5,000-8,000 words will be considered. We plan to publish this special issue in a Subsidia format that will be open access in early 2017.

Kalamazoo Fashion Preview

The most stylish and committed supporters of medieval feminist scholarship were to be seen in Kalamazoo and Leeds this year in full SMFS regalia. Show your support for SMFS by acquiring one of these stunning SMFS pins ($2 / £2), bags ($8 / £8), or wristband flash drives ($8 / £8), available annually at the SMFS receptions at Kalamazoo and Leeds, and the business meeting or banquet at Kalamazoo on the Saturday evening.  If you are unable to be at Kalamazoo or Leeds, but would like one of these items, e-mail Linda Mitchell at the University of Missouri – Kansas City.

See images in original post.